5 events found.
Events at Harp’s
Wednesday Night Coed Bible Study
1183 Hwy 92 South, Fayetteville, GA, United StatesFayetteville Campus - Coed Adult Bible Study Meets in B-200 Studying: The Gospel According To Mark Led by Associate Pastor Ken Helms. All adults are welcome.
Courageous Men
Men's Ongoing Bible Study Group. Join us anytime. Led by Pastor Ken Helms Room B-204
Ladies Bible Study
New study starts today. Room B-204 "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst Led by Debbie May & Pam Greenoe (7 Sessions) Workbooks available in class $4.00
Golden Harps
BBQ Dinner and Meeting Meet at the church Annex (white house behind the church) BBQ will be provided - Bring side dishes and desserts Program includes fellowship and games RSVP...
Mother’s Day
Honoring mothers in both morning services 9:30 and 11:00 am. Both Campuses