Events at Harp’s

Intro to Precept Studies – Coed Group (Fayetteville)

Intoductory session for those who are taking the Hosea/Amos study which starts next Tuesday. Today's class will be an explanation of how Precept works so you will be ready to begin next week. Led by Angela Castleberry Room: B-204 (Upstairs B-Building, on Adult Sunday School Hallway) Books and materials will be available for purchase through this...

Adult Bible Study

Every Wednesday Night Led by Pastor Ken Helms Room B-206 Fayetteville Campus

Precept Upon Precept – Hosea (Fayetteville)

Week 1 - of the study of Hosea (5 weeks) followed by the study of Amos (3 weeks) Led by Angela Castleberry Room: B-204 (Upstairs B-Building, on Adult Sunday School Hallway) (Coed Class)

War Room COED Bible Study Group

From the War Room movie, a coed bible study and prayer group will begin meeting tonight. This is a 5-week study. We invite adults of all ages to join us....