Events at Harp’s

Precept Upon Precept – Hosea (Fayetteville)

Week 1 - of the study of Hosea (5 weeks) followed by the study of Amos (3 weeks) Led by Angela Castleberry Room: B-204 (Upstairs B-Building, on Adult Sunday School...

War Room COED Bible Study Group

From the War Room movie, a coed bible study and prayer group will begin meeting tonight. This is a 5-week study. We invite adults of all ages to join us....

Courageous Men

Starting a new study tonight....War Room....from the movie of the same name. This is a 5-week study. Join us when you can! B-204 (Fayetteville Campus) Led by Ken Helms

Harp’s Harvest Fall Festival

Community welcome! All FREE! Rides, candy, games, food, and fun! Come on out and enjoy an evening with your family!

Courageous Men

Men's Ongoing Bible Study Group. Join us anytime. Led by Pastor Ken Helms Room B-204