42 events found.
Events at Harp’s
Events at Harp’s
Serving: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salad, Dessert & Tea. Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or “click here to make your reservation”
Serving: Sloppy Joes, Chips, Veggies, Dessert & Tea. Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or “click here to make your reservation”
Serving: Pork Chops, Cheesy Potatoes, Green Peas, Salad, Dessert & Tea. Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or “click here to make your reservation”
Picnic at the church Annex (white house behind the church). Meat will be provided. Bring sides. Cost is $3 per person. Sign-up on the bulletin board outside of Fellowship Hall or call the church office 770-461-5318 by Sept. 10th deadline.
Serving: Sub Sandwiches, Chips, Fruit, Dessert & Tea. Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or “click here to make your reservation”
Fall LIFE Groups (Discipleship Groups) begin on Sunday, Sept. 9th. Some groups will meet during the week instead of Sunday. SEE LIST OF GROUPS AND TIMES HERE LIFE Groups are offered twice a year - February and September.
Financial Peace is a 9-session study on how to BEAT DEBT and BUILD WEALTH. This Sunday group is led by Pastor Paul Allen and meets in Room B-206. There is a kit that goes with this class. Church members receive a 50% discount for their kit. Register for this class NOW
Serving: Chicken Alfredo, Salad, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Dessert & Tea. Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or “click here to make your reservation”
All 3 Campuses coming together...Fayetteville, Hollonville, and the Chinese Church. Join us for dinner on the grounds right after the 11 AM Worship Service. We will party all day with food and activities. LIFE Groups and Evening Worship will be cancelled as we fellowship and worship together as one church body! Details will come soon...
"LIES WOMEN BELIEVE and the TRUTH THAT SETS THEM FREE" by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Led by Angela Castleberry Room B-203
Serving: Chili Dogs, Chips, Coleslaw, Veggies, Dessert & Tea. Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or “click here to make your reservation”