Events at Harp’s

Courageous Men

Men's Ongoing Bible Study Group. Join us anytime. Led by Pastor Ken Helms Room B-204

Golden Harps Picnic

Picnic at the church Annex (white house behind the church). Meat will be provided. Bring sides. Cost is $3 per person. Sign-up on the bulletin board outside of Fellowship Hall or call the church office 770-461-5318 by Sept. 10th deadline.

L.I.F.E. Groups

Fall LIFE Groups (Discipleship Groups) begin on Sunday, Sept. 9th. Some groups will meet during the week instead of Sunday. SEE LIST OF GROUPS AND TIMES HERE LIFE Groups are...

Financial Peace – Sunday Group

Financial Peace is a 9-session study on how to BEAT DEBT and BUILD WEALTH. This Sunday group is led by Pastor Paul Allen and meets in Room B-206. There is...