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Events at Harp’s
Events at Harp’s
Serving: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salad, Tea & Dessert Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or "click here to make reservations."
1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month (Fayetteville Campus) Led by Bob Dotson Room B-202
Wednesday night bible study in the Annex. This is a short bible study open to all college age/young adults. For more information, call or email William Bishop in the church office 770-461-5318
Serving: Hot Dog or Chili Dog, Chips, Slaw, Veggies, Tea & Dessert Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or "click here to make reservations."
Wednesday night bible study in the Annex. This is a short bible study open to all college age/young adults. For more information, call or email William Bishop in the church office 770-461-5318
6 pm in Fellowship Hall Tori Sorrells, 60+ Fayette Piedmont, will be our guest speaker.
Serving: Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Chips, Tea & Dessert Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or "click here to make reservations."
Wednesday night bible study in the Annex. This is a short bible study open to all college age/young adults. For more information, call or email William Bishop in the church office 770-461-5318
Serving: Frito Chili Pies, Veggies, Dessert & Tea Call the church office by noon on Tuesday or "click here to make reservations."
FREE Christmas Musical Event open to the community ... Located on our Fayetteville Campus... Come hear beautiful music of the season presented by local school choruses and benefiting the Joseph Sams School.