42 events found.
Events at Harp’s
Events at Harp’s
"DIY on a shoestring!" For all ladies of Harp's age 13 and up. $5 tickets are on sale now in the Ministry Center.
Fall LIFE Groups (Discipleship Groups) begin on Sunday, Sept. 9th. Some groups will meet during the week instead of Sunday. SEE LIST OF GROUPS AND TIMES HERE LIFE Groups are offered twice a year - February and September.
"LIES WOMEN BELIEVE and the TRUTH THAT SETS THEM FREE" by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Led by Angela Castleberry Room B-203
Location: Fellowship Hall (Fayetteville Campus) Meal: Turkey, dressing, and ham provided; Bring sides and desserts Program: Christmas music by Penny Brown and Richard Hicks
"Only Love" presented by the Voices and Instruments in Praise. Two Performances - both at 6:30 pm Saturday, Dec. 15th Sunday, Dec. 16th Location: Worship Center - Fayetteville Campus
"Only Love" presented by the Voices and Instruments in Praise. Two Performances - both at 6:30 pm Saturday, Dec. 15th Sunday, Dec. 16th Location: Worship Center - Fayetteville Campus